The VIN number is a unique code that is assigned to a specific vehicle. Therefore, it is not without reason that decoding a car identification number allows to verify such information about the vehicle as place of manufacture, model year or type of equipment. However, these are not the only advantages of the VIN decoder solution.

Where can I find the VIN number?

While finding the VIN number on the registration certificate (“E” section) is quick, locating this unique code on the vehicle can be difficult. Manufacturers don’t always put the code in a prominent place, and a lot depends on the model and year of the car. If you’re wondering where the VIN is on a particular vehicle, manufacturers usually stamp it on:

  • the identification plate on the windshield,
  • the front bulkhead,
  • right wheel arch
  • the driver’s side pillar,
  • the support frame at the right front wheel.



Body number decoding – benefits?

Decoding the body number gives you a glimpse into the vehicle’s past. And while verifying the VIN code yourself can be a bit problematic, using a VIN decoder is quick and fast. The resulting vehicle history report typically includes information such as:

  • recent documented odometer reading,
  • Potential vehicle theft,
  • major repairs carried out
  • number of previous owners,
  • traffic accidents in which the vehicle may have been involved,
  • technical specifications of the vehicle such as capacity, place of manufacture, model year or equipment version.


In the case of buying a used vehicle, it allows to verify the data provided by the seller. But thanks to the solution, which is VIN decoder will know not only the technical parameters of the car, but also get information that may prove useful during registration and insurance. Undoubtedly, checking VIN number also facilitates the purchase of spare parts for the vehicle, because they are often specific for each model of the car and may not fit if we will be guided only by the date of manufacture, model and brand.

Checking the VIN number on your car

As you can see, checking the VIN number on a vehicle can be very useful. Not only if you are looking for basic information about the car you own, but also when you buy a used car and want to know its history before finalizing the transaction. VIN decoding can, in fact, reveal whether the vehicle we are interested in was reported stolen, underwent service repairs or was withdrawn from circulation. Using a VIN decoder also makes it easier to determine the true value of a vehicle. Therefore, it is always worth taking some time and checking the VIN number of the vehicle you want to buy. Especially since by doing so, you can avoid overvaluing the car, costly repairs, and other vehicle problems that may arise in the future.