Rhinoplasty is a procedure that is designed to correct various issues with the nose. Most people who have rhinoplasty want it to improve their appearance, but there are many other reasons why someone might seek out this surgery. In this blog post, we will provide a general overview of rhinoplasty and discuss some of the most common reasons why people undergo this procedure. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what rhinoplasty entails and what types of results are possible.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to correct problems with the nose, such as deviated septum, heightening of the bridge, and excess skin on the nose. The surgery may also be used to reduce the size of the nose or change its shape. Rhinoplasty can be done using various techniques, including incisional (open) rhinoplasty, endonasal rhinoplasty (through the nostril), and conchal reduction rhinoplasty (reducing the size of the horn).

Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to improve the appearance of the nose. There are three general types of rhinoplasty: cartilage transfer, reconstruction, and augmentation. Each type of rhinoplasty has its own specific benefits and disadvantages.

Cartilage transfer rhinoplasty is the most common type of rhinoplasty performed in the US. This type of surgery involves transferring small pieces of cartilage from other parts of the body, such as the ears or buttocks, to the nose. Cartilage transfer rhinoplasty is often successful at improving the look of the nose but may not be appropriate for everyone. Reconstruction rhinoplasty is a more complex type of surgery than cartilage transfer rhinoplasty and involves reconstructing part or all of the nose using either plastic or metal surgery techniques. Reconstruction rhinoplasty may be more successful than cartilage transfer at improving the appearance of the nose but may also be more expensive and time-consuming to perform.

Augmentation rhinoplasty is a less common type of Rhinoplasty that uses procedures such as dilation (widening) or creasing (filling in) of the nasal septum to increase width or height, respectively, at either end of the nose. Augmentation Rhinoplasty can improve appearances by correcting deformities caused by previous surgeries or birth defects, but it may also require additional surgeries down the road if results are not satisfactory.

How Rhinoplasty is Performed?

Rhinoplasty is typically not recommended for those under 18 years old, as the reconstruction requires a significant amount of cartilage removal. Patients over 55 years old typically have more robust cartilage and are therefore less likely to experience any surgical setbacks. Additionally, patients with certain medical conditions or structural abnormalities of the nose may be ineligible for a rhinoplasty procedure. To identify potential candidates for rhinoplasty, a doctor will review your medical history and examine photographs of your face.

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