VIN Number also called chassis number contains 17-characters, is a serial number attached to each vehicle for identification purposes. The chassis number is unique and contain information about vehicle: manufacturer, year of production, where it was built. It is very important to know this number because without it, diagnostician can’t let you use the vehicle.
Nowadays we have at least four standards used to calculate the VIN:
- FMVSS 115, Part 565: Used in United States and Canada
- ISO Standard 3779: Used in Europe and many other parts of the world
- ADR 61/2 used in Australia
- SAE J853: Very similar to the ISO standard
VIN Number How to find?
Chassis number we can find in files or on the vehicle.
Start with documents. You should check any files such as:
- registration card
- vehicle title
- insurance
- manual
- vehicle history report
Next way to find VIN Number is checking the vehicle, the most popular places are:
- rear wheel
- next to spare wheel
- on the bulkhead
- under or next to passenger seat
- on the middle column
VIN Number How to find? The easiest way is to use our tool The huge database will help you find chassis number only in a few seconds. It is totally free!
Remember, before buying worth to check the history of vehicle! You can do this by typing your VIN Number below.