The body number is a code that is assigned to each vehicle and serves to identify it. The Citroen VIN number contains information such as version, model year or place of manufacture. Therefore, checking the VIN in a Citroen vehicle is a good way to find out in detail about any important incidents concerning the car, such as the number of owners, service repairs or accidents. However, to decode a VIN, we must first locate it. So where do you find the VIN in your Citroen and how do you decode it? We will tell you how to decode it in the article.
VIN Citroen decoding
The body number encoding in the Citroen allows you to verify that the car equipment is originally fitted by the manufacturer. We can check, among other things, the car’s parameters such as the colour of the paint, the way it is finished and the number of airbags. Any discrepancies may suggest that the car has had an accident. Not everyone knows that VIN decoding allows for verification of the correctness of the control number in the body number. However, what should be of most interest to those wishing to buy a Citroen from the aftermarket is whether the car is accident-free and not stolen. By decoding the VIN via the form below, you will find out, among other things, whether the vehicle you want to buy is not listed in the stolen vehicle databases.
Citroen – where to find the VIN number?
Finding body numbers in the Citroen can be time-consuming, as manufacturers locate VIN in different locations. This depends not only on the model, but also on the vintage. If you’re wondering where the VIN is in the Citroen C3, on models manufactured between 2002 and 2005, the VIN number on the fixed component is on the front bulkhead on the right, and the VIN plate is on the dashboard housing on the left. C3 models from 2005 to 2009 have the VIN number on a plate on the left-hand centre pillar and the VIN number on the fixed component is on the right-hand front panel. The popular Citroen C4 has the VIN number on the fixed component on the dashboard housing on the left and the plate on the centre left-hand column. The Citroen Grand C4 Picasso, on the 2006- 2013 model, has the VIN number on the fixed component on the right-hand side reinforcement near the seat of the right-hand damper and the VIN plate on the left-hand side of the dashboard. The VIN number on the fixed component has the VIN number on the floor next to the passenger in the wheel arcade and the VIN plate on the dashboard housing on the left. Whether you’re interested in a Citroen Jumpy, Xsara Picasso or C5, it’s worth knowing where the VIN is located so that you can check it with a vindecoder at available bases.
VIN check in a Citroen car
VIN check in a Citroen vehicle, regardless of whether the model we are interested in gives us the opportunity to verify factory equipment, production site or meter status. In the case of cars imported from abroad, thanks to the VIN decoder you can learn the whole history of car service, ownership or accidents. The VIN check in the Citroen also makes it possible to search the database of stolen vehicles, which can play an important role when purchasing. You can check the body number online. Simply fill out the form below and use the free or paid version of the Citroen vehicle report. And remember, the cost of a full vehicle history report is really low compared to the price we can pay for a car that may have entered the country illegally.