The Audi VIN number is a unique code consisting of 17 letters and numbers, thanks to which you can find out a lot of important information about the vehicle. Importantly, no two Audi VIN numbers are the same, which means you can use the code to find a lot of useful information about the vehicle you own or want to buy. There may be some risk involved in buying a used Audi, but the VIN decoder will reveal a detailed history of the vehicle. So how to find VIN in Audi and how to decode it? Read on in our article.
Audi – VIN number decoder
The Audi VIN number contains numerous and important specifications for the car. That is why vin decoder Audi is especially recommended to people who plan to buy a car. This is because the Audi identification number helps to identify details such as country of manufacture, model year, drive type, engine version and equipment options. It also allows you to search the database of stolen vehicles and learn about its history, e.g. the number of accidents and previous owners. As you can see, decoding the Audi VIN number allows you to read important information about the vehicle, so you can verify the data provided by the seller. If you want to find out if Audi is on the stolen vehicle register or if it was involved in the accident, decode the VIN using the form below.
Audi – VIN number search
The first thing to do before verifying the code is to check its location on the car and compare it with the VIN on the documents. Finding a VIN on an Audi can be difficult, as its location depends on the model and year. If you are wondering where the VIN of the Audi A3 is located, in the years 2000-2003 it was on a fixed element on the bulkhead. On the other hand, in the Audi A3, which were produced in the years 2003-2008, the VIN number was additionally located on the right side reinforcement, while the Audi A3 from the year 2008-2012 had the VIN number on three fixed elements: on the dashboard housing on the left side, on the right on the side of the bulkhead and on the right side reinforcement. Another equally popular A4 model in 2007-2017 had the VIN number located in two places, on the right side reinforcement near the right shock absorber seat and on the left side of the dashboard housing. The location of the VIN in Audi, regardless of whether we have the A5, A6, A7, A8, Q3, Q5, Q7 or S8 model, may not be obvious, so sometimes it is worth using proven tools, so as not to waste time on long searches.
Audi VIN Check
Verifying basic vehicle data before buying is particularly important in the case of Audi, regardless of whether we plan to buy an A4, A6 or Q5. This is due to the fact that the prices of this brand’s cars are quite high compared to other manufacturers’ brands of the same year. Checking the Audi VIN will allow you to verify the consistency of the vehicle data with the documents and information provided by the seller. In particular, those regarding Audi design, potential repairs and mileage. So how do you check the history of Audi? This can be done online by filling out the form below. The basic version of the service is available in a free version, while those wishing to find out more about Audi can use the paid, full history report.