Fog is a phenomenon of weather adored, among others by photographers. For drivers, fog means limited visibility that can affect driving safety. Moving in the fog is very important lighting. Check how to use fog lights.
Driving in conditions of limited visibility requires focusing and limiting the speed to the conditions on the road. Do fog lights always be used in the fog?
It turns out that not always. The rear fog lamps should be turned on when visibility is really poor. Such a conventional border is 50 meters according to the regulations. Using these lights in a light fog means that drivers behind us can be blinded. Stop lights are also becoming more and more visible, which may mean too late braking in the risk of collision.
It is recognized that such lights should be turned on when the position lighting simply “disappears” in the fog.
The most common mistake made by drivers is the use of so-called long lights. This error means that instead of illuminating the road, the drivers illuminate the fog which further aggravates visibility.
How to ride in the fog?
Fog is a phenomenon that requires the driver to adjust the speed to the conditions on the road. The driver must anticipate events and smoothly brake. Our speed should be such as to be able to stay on a stretch of road that is just illuminated. Remember that in the fog the surface is often slippery. This means that when driving into a cloud, you should slow down. When we move behind the driver, it is worth leaving a safe distance. A two-second one is considered as such. During the fog, it is difficult to see exactly the braking moment of the preceding vehicle. The driver must strain the hearing more when driving. It’s worth to turn down the music and end conversations. During the passage, for example, through railway crossings, you can additionally open the window to listen for the sound of an oncoming train.
Source: motorisation.interia.pl
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