A VIN Chevrolet is an individual code consisting of 17 letters and numbers, which allows you to learn a lot of important information about the vehicle. Importantly, VINs in cars aren’t the same, and this means that decoding your Chevrolet VIN can help you find important information about the car you own or want to buy. Buying a used Chevrolet vehicle may involve some risk, but a VIN decoder will reveal a detailed history of the vehicle. So how do you find the VIN in your Chevrolet and decode it? Read in our article.

Chevrolet – VIN decoding

Encoding the body number in the Chevrolet is particularly recommended for people planning to buy a car. The Chevrolet ID number helps you to determine detailed parameters such as country of manufacture, model year, drive type and equipment options. However, verification of the body number is primarily a means of searching the database of stolen vehicles and finding out the full history of the vehicle, such as the number of accidents or owners. As you can see, VIN decoding on the Chevrolet allows you to see important information about the vehicle, so you can verify the data provided by the seller for example. If you want to find out if the Chevrolet you’re interested in is not an accident, decode the VIN using the form below.

Chevrolet – where to find VIN?

The first thing to do before verifying your VIN is to check its location in your car and compare it with the VIN in the documents. Because at first glance, you can see some interference with the body number broken on a fixed part of the car. However, finding a VIN in a Chevrolet can be time consuming. So if you’re wondering where the VIN is in the Spark Chevrolet, it was placed on the fixed part on the left-hand side of the dashboard and on the centre left-hand post in 2010-2012. Interestingly, this model also has a VIN on the floor under the rear seat of the couch. The popular 2011-2013 Chevrolet Orlando has the VIN in front of or next to the passenger seat. In the slightly younger 2011-2016 Chevrolet Orlando, on the other hand, the 17-digit code is located in three places: on the left central pillar, the passenger seat wheel and the dashboard housing on the left.

Chevrolet – checking the VIN number

Verifying the Chevrolet’s basic data before purchasing can be very helpful, whatever model we decide on. Checking your Chevrolet VIN will allow you to check the consistency of your vehicle data with the documents and information provided by your dealer. In particular, those relating to Chevrolet design, potential repairs and mileage. So how do you check your Chevrolet history? You can do this online by completing the form below. The basic version of the service is available for free, while those who want to see detailed information about their Chevrolet can use the full history report of the vehicle that is being paid for.